CS690 Course Information (20-ECES-690)
Special Topics - Internet Algorithms
Spring 2002

Lectures: MWF 3:00-3:50 in Baldwin 649

Instructor: Fred Annexstein

Office: 889 Rhodes (Office Hours: MWF 11:00-11:50)

Phone: 556-1807

Email: fred.annexstein@uc.edu

            Web: http://www.ececs.uc.edu/~annexste

Course Information

Prerequisites: The course prerequisites include a course on networking, a course on algorithms, and graduate student status

This course is designed as a graduate research level course covering the algorithmic questions arising in the design and analysis of technologies associated with emerging internet applications. Recently, we have seen the emergence of new search engine technologies, distributed internet caches, and peer-peer application-level networks. We will read and discuss research papers on these emerging areas in computer science research. This course will combine both lectures and student presentations.

Participants will be expected to participate in activities related to ongoing work in our research laboratory (www.ececs.uc.edu/networks), and have a strong background or interest in the area of algorithms. In this course we will explore issues where algorithmic techniques lead to interesting research problems. Students will be expected to complete research reports on recently published papers, as well as carry out related empirical and/or theoretical studies. A list of appropriate papers will be provided by the instructor. Grades will be based on 3-4 homework assignments and research presentations, as well as on class participation.


·         Introduction to Internet algorithmics (3 hours)

·         search engines, web-crawling, web-indexing (3 hours)

·         web caching and content delivery (3 hours)

·         Network routing and reliability (3 hours)

·         webcasting and continuous media streaming (3 hours)

·         Peer-to-peer networks and distributed file sharing (3 hours)

·         network visualization, characterization, and experimentation (3 hours)

·         server scheduling and load balancing (3 hours)

·         compression algorithms (3 hours)

·         Broadband networks and multimedia over IP (3 hours)


Homework and Grades

 Students enrolled in this course will be required to

·        read assigned papers

·        participate in class discussions on assigned readings

·        make an in-class presentation of one or more papers

·        submit a written critical analysis of papers

·        assist others in preparing for their in-class presentation

·        complete a course project.

Grades will be based on these assignments.

1)     Assignment 1 (Due April 15)

2)     Assignment 2 (Due April 29)

3)     Reference Papers

4)     Speaker’s Guide





Reading Materials

Week 1

0. Hypertext Authorities

Week 2

1.  PageRank Explained
2. Anatomy of Google

Week 3

3.     The Impact of Query Usage Web Search Results

4.     IR Methods: Representations

5.     Graph Theory in Practice: Part 1

6.     Graph Theory in Practice: Part 2

Week 4

7.     Nature, Small world networks

8.     Physics of the Internet

9.     Power-law related distributions explained

Week 5

10.  Peer-to-peer networks:  SPAA Paper and Powerpoint

11.  Short-circuiting

12.  Server Location Problems

Week 6

13.  Hashing: Universal, Perfect, MD5

14.  Consistent Hashing

15.  Bloom Filters

Week 7

16.  Content Distribution

17.  Content-Addressable Network CAN slides

18.  Chord slides


Student Projects

            Kevin Henkener –Self-similarity in Network Traffic: PPT, DOC

Neha Jain- Search in Power Law Networks PPT, DOC

Shagun Kakkar- PPT, DOC

Rinako Kamei – PPT, DOC

Svetlana Strunjas – Routing Indices for P2P PPT, DOC

Mei Chen – OceanStore PPT, DOC

Anshumaan Rajshiva – Search in P2P - PPT, DOC